Cameron Martin, PhD


Have you ever been called an “old soul”? I have…my entire life.

From an early age, I have been driven by a quest for spiritual understanding. Even as a little boy, I sensed there was a greater meaning to life and knew I was here for a spiritual purpose. I grew up a devout Catholic—even though my family was not religious at all—and, in my early twenties, I even considered becoming a priest. But I had one big problem: I knew I was gay, and it tortured me. I saw no way for me to be authentic in the place I loved most. I knew I would eventually have to make a hard choice.


Have you ever felt like your entire world caved in on you?

Well, in 2018, I went through what I considered my dark night of the soul. I was accepted into a PhD program and chose to relocate my life to San Diego. In a matter of two weeks, everything in my life changed: jobs, graduate programs, apartments, friends, and even, a relationship. When I finally settled into my new life, I was not doing okay.

In fact, I was in a lot of pain.

Eventually, I also chose to walk away from the church because I knew it was no longer for me and it felt like the ground had completely disappeared beneath my feet. I honestly didn’t know who I was anymore.


But self-awareness can change how you see


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I sought the counsel of an astrologer and it changed my life.

For the first time ever, I felt seen, for who I was. Although I did not realize it at the time, my first astrology reading triggered a profound spiritual awakening in me for I was told:

“In a few years’ time, you’ll be doing this, probably better than me.”

I would later understand that this awakening was really a remembering—a remembering of who I am as an eternal soul and, more specifically, what I had planned to do on Earth.

Cameron in Astrology Reading

She was right. A spiritual awakening was definitely written in the stars.

On the last night of a self-discovery retreat I attended in February of 2019, I experienced my spiritual awakening. In an instant, all thinking ceased, and I knew, experientially, my True Self. In that moment, I felt my soul jump out of my body and return, completely transformed by the Knowing: I AM.

That same year, I was divinely guided to create Path & Purpose so that I could assist others with their spiritual journeys. As a complete surprise to me, the entity—the Being—that is Path & Purpose came to me one day in the shower.

From him, I “heard” two things:

“The name is Path & Purpose” and “You’re going to run this business in a completely new way.”

And although I was totally unsure of what this would require of me, I said, “Okay, let’s do it.”

Cameron Martin in meditation

In 2020, my spiritual awakening went into hyperdrive, and I honed my innate spiritual gifts through yoga, meditation, channeling, intuition and psychic development, regression work, quantum healing, and my connections to galactic consciousness. It was also the year I re-discovered the great Eastern spiritual traditions my soul knew so well.

And something else had to give.

In early 2021, I was guided to leave my six-figure job in education to run Path & Purpose full-time. Was I scared? Oh, heck yeah! And that was just the beginning of a series of trust falls with the Universe…that haven’t really stopped since, if I’m being honest.


The last piece of the puzzle came to me on my birthday in 2022. I started reading Autobiography of a Yogi and it cracked open that last part of my heart that I needed to know fully:

I am here to teach the lessons of self-realization.

That is why I have incarnated upon this Earth.

My whole life has been a powerful spiritual journey.

I never doubted for a moment that I am here for a spiritual mission. Although I have definitely doubted the many leaps of faith my guides have required of me along the way! And if you’ve been on a spiritual journey, then you probably know the feeling.

Who I BE in this world is Teacher. And, as a teacher, my heart literally overflows seeing my clients discover who they truly are…at their essence. Their Being. Beyond the ego. The True Self, so that they can live lives of joyful, creative, divine existence.

This is my purpose.


Professional Qualifications & Education

I have worked professionally in the education, nonprofit, retail, and corporate sectors and have committed my formal education to leadership and business development. My post-secondary education includes:

I am committed to guiding people in discovering the answers inside themselves and create a new world worth living in.